Designer/Art Direction // Emma Hands
Art Direction // Bev Wong, Usha Wennerstrand
Store Designer // Lisa Ewing
lululemon’s first store opened on W4th, in Kitsilano, in 2000. In the works for a number of years, the new store was a collaboration between a number of departments. With a strong vision from the Store Designer, we created a store that celebrated the company’s past, and highlighted its bright future.
Project work included:
Building a visual language that was used throughout the project. The document was constantly updated and kept the store vision on top of mind at all times
Pattern design for the concrete panels on the store front. From concept to final art and working with the concrete vendor
Pattern extended to concrete floor, engraved on women’s floor
Design of the repurposed Midas sign
“Love notes” that were stamped into the concrete in Women’s store, and in fit rooms
Inspiring phrases that appear in the stairwell to rooftop
Brass plaque design(s)
Concept and design of men’s community wall
Identifying artists and working with them to create murals (exterior and interior stair well)
Interactive artwork that celebrated company history
Media feature // Business Vancouver, Canadian Running Magazine, Daily Hive,